Fancytoothbrush's Blog

November 4, 2009, 12:31 am
Filed under: Reading journals

RJ 18
p. 307
Cross country runners use a language similar to that of athletes. They use terms that refer to the body or to challenges that the body go through. A lot of emotions and feelings are felt or referenced through the body. For instance, stress can be felt through body aches or tightness. It can refer to the lack of time to take care of the body properly, both emotionally and physically. Cross country runners also talk a lot about what they felt during a run, what they thought about, or what they witnessed, or even what happened to them. Often times, runners can see running as therapeutic because of the thinking and contemplating that happens when on the long-distance runs. Another bunch of terms that cross country runners use are terms referring to certain work outs or techniques or sometimes stretches. The jargon is sometimes general to athletes, but often times specific to the cross country runners of TAMU-Commerce. This jargon simply displays the knowledge of their passion. I also notice in interaction between cross country runners, there are sometimes references to the past. Kind of like an inside joke, these key words or phrases reference back to an event that they experienced together that was entertaining or powerful in some way.

BOX 25
time trial
mile pace the average time per mile
xK in reference to the distance ran in a meet

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